Classroom Guitar Blog
Motivating Students with Wandering Eyes
How do you motivate students whose eyes wander? 1. If your students keep looking at their fingers and lose their place in the music, and then give up on reading place the music stand along the sight range of your guitar neck. You can also project the music on the...
Warm-Ups for the Classroom
What are some good warm-ups? A good warm up for linear movement is the block approach 1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1 in a position on every string or on one string shifting to all positions. I like the l.h. pattern 1234,4321,1434,2434, because it gives extra attention to the 4th...
Keep Your Guitars Happy
Do I need humidifiers for the room? For individual guitars? Do I need them at all? Think about this. 1. Humidifiers are necessary in dry climates. 2. For individual guitars – damp-it; try using old film containers. 3. In a room, you might get away with a jug of...
When Guitar Class Becomes a Dumping Ground
When another teacher requests to remove a disruptive student from his/her class, the logical place to move that student is guitar class. And why not, what kid does not love guitar? This scenario most often occurs when the class is in its tenth week and moving...
Share Your Guitar Lesson Plans
Teaching Guitar Workshops is building a new crowd-sourced book of Classroom-Guitar Lesson Plans. The project aims to make more lesson plans available to teachers, generate ideas among colleagues, bring substantive music lessons to kids, and, most of all, help...
How Do You Know Whether to Start a Piece with Your i Finger or Your m Finger?
How do you know whether to start a piece with your i finger or your m finger? You will most typically start with i, however it is really situational. If you have to do a backwards string crossing to start with i you should choose to start with m. Remember, you can...
Correcting Students’ with “Wrong” Pick Holds
How can you help students with “wrong” pick holds and is it that important? Emphasize the “platform” formed by the first digit and movement from the elbow. I think it is important, but take baby steps to fix it because they may have learned that way from someone...
Motivate Your Students, Play a “Show!”
Motivation happens when the teachers feed the dreams of their students. I find that students are more into performances when I refer to concerts as “shows”. Most guitar students can (and do) visualize themselves playing an electric guitar in a band, on stage, in...
Guitar Parent-Teacher Conferences
I wanted to share a very cool idea from my friend Jane who teaches guitar at a middle school up in Nebraska. She decided that during parent teacher conferences this year, that when students brought their parents to come discuss their grade – that they were going to...
Don’t Add Students After the Semester Starts
Adding new students to the guitar class after several weeks of school starting is a bad idea for everyone involved, and yet it happens. Have a plan in place how to deal with students who join the class after the class has learned all of the notes on the first three...
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