by Glen McCarthy | Jan 28, 2015 | Classroom, Education, News, Stories, Tips + Tricks, Uncategorized
Let’s face it, everyone loves social media – especially kids. You might be sick of social media, but the good news is that you can use it to enhance your classroom guitar program. Teachers are creating twitter and pinterest boards in their classrooms....
by Glen McCarthy | Jan 12, 2015 | Classroom, Education, Gear, News, Principles, Tips + Tricks, Uncategorized
You’re teaching guitar in school and things are going..OK, but some of your students seem really good! They can play riffs that grab the attention of the class (including you). You begin to wonder if they might give you a pointer or two and your confidence about...
by Glen McCarthy | Jan 7, 2015 | Classroom, Education, News, Principles, Stories, Success Stories, Tips + Tricks
I was reading a post on Edutopia about using principles from video games to engage students. I was struck by how much classroom guitar programs resemble video games. Douglas Kiang, the author of the article, points out that in video games we: – Fail early and...
by Glen McCarthy | Jan 7, 2015 | Classroom, Education, Gear, Stories, Tips + Tricks, Uncategorized, Videos
“It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” comes streaming across our school’s PA system after the last student has exited the building for Christmas break. That was one of my former principals jolly way of not only wishing us “Merry...
by Glen McCarthy | Dec 17, 2014 | Classroom, Education, Gear, News, Tips + Tricks, Uncategorized
You teach standard music notation in music class, right? Sure, but what about the other form of notation, TAB? Notation and TAB have been around for a long time, but nothing says controversy like teaching TAB in music class. By the NumbersTAB made a comeback a few...
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